Astrobiology focuses on the search for life beyond Earth. A core mission of the UC Santa Cruz Astrobiology Initiative is to effectively communicate the science and ethics of this field. The science communication component of the UC Santa Cruz Astrobiology Initiative involves training science communicators to cover the science, ethics and policy of astrobiology.
The Astrobiology Initiative provides annual funding to support a UC Santa Cruz Science Communication graduate student fellowship. The fellowship provides up to $20,000 to support tuition expenses for scholars to attend the UC Santa Cruz Science Communication Program; scholars will focus their capstone Science Notes project on an astrobiology topic in consultation with the directors of the Astrobiology Initiative and Science Communication Program.
The application period for academic year 2022-2023 has ended. Check back soon for future opportunities.
Past Fellows:
2020 – 2021: Allison Gasparini
2021 – 2022: Zack Savistky (you can read more about Zack here).