About Us
UCSC’s Astrobiology program is a collaborative, interdisciplinary initiative dedicated to the study of the origin, evolution, and distribution of life in the universe. By probing how life forms, identifying the markers of living worlds, and observing our local astronomical neighborhood, UCSC astrobiologists bring a 21st century approach to bear on an ancient question: are we alone in the universe?
Astrobiology Events
Join Astrobiology for annual conferences, seminars, and workshops.
Every Friday (3-5 pm): Ethics & Astrobiology Reading Group: In the spring quarter, the reading group will meet (virtually) weekly on Friday’s from 3-5 pm to discuss previously circulated text. UCSC graduate students, faculty, and postdocs are all welcome to participate. To sign up or learn more, please subscribe to the Ethics and Astrobiology group or email mdevecka@ucsc.edu.