Artist’s rendition of NASA’s Kepler space telescope. Credits: Credit: NASA/Ames Research Center/W. Stenzel/D. Rutter

In the next decade, spacecraft will visit the watery worlds of our solar system equipped with instru­ments capable of detecting complex organic molecules. The most pow­erful telescopes in history will look through the atmospheres of exoplan­ets for the gasses created by living organisms.

UC Santa Cruz stands at the fore­front of this endeavor, with faculty who are world leaders in the study of exoplanets, the origin of life, plan­etary science, and instrument devel­opment. UC Santa Cruz Astrobiology will continue its groundbreaking research while training diverse new generations of astrobiologists.

This effort is inherently interdisciplinary, demanding varied expertise. On a campus with a tra­dition of breaking barriers between academic disciplines, the humanities, social sciences, and the arts will play a central role, engaging the public in our discoveries and their societal implications. We invite you to join us on this great frontier of science and humanity.


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